Senior Living Myth Four

Senior Living Myth Four: “I’m probably going to live in my home just as I am now and then I will pass-away quietly one night.”

Well…..maybe. Wishes can come true, but the odds are against you.  According to the Centers for Medicare/Medicaid (CMS), seventy (70) percent of us will need at least some care as we age. Weigh all your options, and find out if you and your loved-ones feel comfortable making important decisions during a crisis. Remember, right now the decision is yours….until your children have to make a decision for you.

You can move into a senior community earlier (e.g. while you’re in your 70’s) and enjoy the independent resort-style living.  If you feel some responsibility to your children, moving before a crisis is a gift to them.   Moving at a younger age can provide more choices. Transitioning never gets easier as you age.  I have often heard, “I wish I would have moved sooner,” but I have never heard a senior living resident say, “I wish I would have stayed at home longer”.

In the end, it’s your decision.  You may wish to remain at home, make changes as needed and then move to assisted living if necessary. After all, thirty percent of us will not need care in our later years.

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